Traveling through space
Attracted to hearts
Stuck in gravitational
Orbits no longer conducive
For their growth.
Large masses have
Their own gravitational
Force that causes smaller bodies
To orbit them,
When something of a greater mass
Comes near it can shift everything.
There are stars larger than our sun
In the solar system,
But we can’t see them,
So the sun looks huge
In comparison to all others..
It’s not until you venture out
And take the time
To journey that you come
Across the stars that make our sun look
Like a pebble in comparison.
The fast, quick, and easy approach
Isn’t always what’s best,
Everything good in life takes
Due diligence, persistence,
Dedication, and process,
The list goes on and on.
It’s easy to mismanage what
You think to be a pebble
And go after the sun.
But I tell you,
There’s so much more.
I’ve found It hard to
Show people the more
I’ve seen and touched
And been to,
When the sun is the limitation.